
Does the Indian Education System Include Financial Education?

  Photo by Pixabay भारत विश्व के सबसे बड़ी आबादी वाले देशों में से है। यहाँ की ज्यादातर आबादी खेती पर निर्भर है, और मै मनाता हूँ की आने वाले कुछ वर्षों में खेती पर निर्भरता का अनुपात काफी हद तक कम हो जायेगा। यह तथ्य मेरे द्वारा गढ़ा नहीं गया है अपितु इतिहास इसकी तरफ संकेत करता है। खैर इस मुद्दे पर बात करना मेरा उदेश्य नहीं है। मुझे इस बात पर अफ़सोस होता है की इतनी बड़ी आबादी का ज्यादातर हिस्सा शिक्षा के विकसित स्तर से कोसों दूर दिखाई पड़ता है, और वो भी तब, जब आज़ाद हुए भारत को 75 से ज्यादा साल हो गए है। शिक्षा आज भी एक बड़े हिस्से की पहुँच के बाहर है। अच्छी और सर्वांगीण शिक्षा एक तबके के लिए सिर्फ एक सपना है जिसको वो अपनी ज़िन्दगी में शायद ही पूरा कर पाएं। इसलिए मै यह भलीभांति समझ सकता हूँ की भारत जैसे विशाल देश में एक बहुत बड़ी आबादी के लिए “Financial Education” उनकी पूरी ज़िन्दगी में एक ऐसा रहस्य है जिसकी खोज उनके लिए असंभव ही रहेगी।  Financial Education का ज्ञान सीधे तौर पर “अर्थ (पैसा)” से जुड़ा है जिसको समझने के लिए उच्च स्तर का बौद्धिक विकास चाहिए जिसको प्राप्त तभी किया जा सकता ह

6 Tactics to Amp Up Your Growth on a Budget

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash Growing a business without breaking the bank isn’t a piece of cake. But fret not; the six tactics we’re going to discuss here will help you achieve that goal. It’s often said you need to spend money in order to make money. So many businesses hire big marketing companies to amplify their growth. But is it necessary to spend a hefty amount of money to acquire more sales or grow your customer base? Of course, if you scale your efforts more than your competitors, you’re likely to win. But, it’s also true that if you go with novel approaches to business growth, you can still grow while keeping your costs low. So how can you amp up your business growth on a budget? Well, that’s what this article is about. So, let’s get started. Business Growth Tactics to Use When You Have a Small Budget In this section, we’ll walk you through some of the best business growth tactics that you can implement even on a small budget. Here we go. 1. Use the Power of

What is Staking Crypto and How Does it Work in 2022?

Want to know what staking crypto is? Like many other things in the crypto ecosystem, staking isn’t a familiar term to the majority of the world. Before crypto enthusiasts and companies overwhelm you with this term, let’s quickly understand what staking crypto is. What is Staking Crypto? Image via Wizardia In layman’s terms, staking is similar to a savings account in which you lock up your crypto holdings to earn rewards. Does this mean that the rewards you earn function like bank interest? Not at all. There is a lot going on behind the scene. The reason you earn rewards on staking crypto is that your blockchain platform puts the crypto you lock into work. Cryptocurrencies that allow staking work on a Proof of Stake “consensus mechanism,” which is a process of authenticating the blockchain transactions. The crypto you stake in becomes part of this process. The key to understanding what staking crypto is is to know more about Proof of Stake. What is a Proof of Stake

Empty Stomach Can’t Value A Mask Over A Morsel

Destitution is a curse. I’m not talking about the below poverty line class, I’m talking about the people who are at the verge of starvation. In developing countries like India where more than a quarter of the population is underprivileged, the second wave of Coronavirus pandemic has significantly affected the poor people. The irony is that the governments and bureaucrats expect this suppressed class of our economy to walk around the streets putting on a mask and carrying sanitizer. How come we be so dumb to think that they’ll have enough resources to buy stuff like this? Our governance and policies have proven to be a failure when we can’t provide the necessary tools to such sections of society to empower them to fight the pandemic. Indeed, an empty stomach can’t value a mask or sanitizer over a morsel. It’s not about just one nation. Throughout the decades we’ve built industries and bigger economies. But what about the economic disparity? The mess we’re in right now is a result of our

Yoga for Beginners - 6 Things You Would Want to Know

Yoga is an ancient practice and now when most of the world is aware of the term Yoga, many of us want to start practising it at home. Beginners may want to know how to Yoga , when to Yoga, or where to Yoga. first of all, I want to make it clear that anyone can practice Yoga irrespective of their race, religion, age, profession, gender, conditions, state, problems, and history. Here are some frequently asked questions for Yoga for beginners: Can I do Yoga at Home? Apart from a quiet space and a yoga mat, you don’t require anything else to start doing yoga at home. Space, where you Yoga shall be your sacred space at the home. A tip for beginners, don’t push yourself too hard in the beginning. You will start with the first two Yama and Niyama then only you can go to Asana. Which Yogasana shall beginners do? If your aim behind Yoga is to unite yourself with the universe, you would want to get into meditation practice and chanting as a beginner. Practising the eight limb

Silica Gel Pouches - How do they Help in Securing Different Products?

You would be surprised after knowing plenty of uses of desiccant silica gel pouch that usually comes in the box of new shoes, electronic items, clothes, and other products. Generally, we throw these pouches in bins but after reading this, I am pretty much sure that you won’t flip these desiccant silica gel pouches ever again. Why so? Because once you would be a familiar savvy of this desiccant, you would use it cleverly in many cases. How does Silica gel work? Silica Gel is an unstable chemical form of Silicon Dioxide. Because of its irregular shape of molecules, sprouted voids may contain water, gas or other liquids. This chemical property makes it a brilliant absorber of moisture. Silica gel packets are full of small beads of silicon dioxide in solid form. The technical name for it is silica xerogel, but most people just call it silica gel. Silica gel pouches help to keep moisture away from any product or a particular area. Many consumer brands use these desiccant silica gel

आपणां बडेरा - A Rajathani Poem for Our Rajasthani Ancestors

हुक्को, चिलम और हताई, आ ही आपणां बडेरा री कमाई। उठता ही चीलम ढूंढता, फेर लोटो भरता हा ले ओटो आक गो निमटण भाग- पाटी निकळ ज्यावंता हा। डांगरा स्यू हेत घणो हो बाँटो हाथां स्यूं रळाता हा छोटा-छोटा बछड़िया नै बाखळ म खिलाता हा। भेंस्यां, पड़्या नें नुहाण ले ज्यांवता, सागै आप भी नहा आंवता, साबण गी जरूरत कोनी खळखोटो ठन्डे पाणी स्यूं  खा आंवता हा। बनोरा न उडीकता रेंता थाळी भर- मर जीमता हा गुंदिया गी बंट काड गे पाछै घरां पूगता हा। बस करण गी आदत कोनी देशी धी रो चूरमो धाप्योड़ा गिट ज्यावंता हा। च्यार-पांच गी गिनती कोनी, रोट बाजर गा लेता हा। पी राबड़ी दिनगै पहली, खेता कानी हो लेता हा। ठंडी बासी कदी न जाणी सुंकड रोट्यां गो मचा ज्यांवता हा मिरकली स्यूं धापता कोनी देशी धी गी देकची बिना डकार पचा ज्यांवता हा। राबड़ी री बात न्यारी आधी मुंछ मैं उळझी रेंती हर आघी न जरका ज्यांवता हा फोफलिया रो साग खार, काल स्यूं भिड़ ज्यांवता हा। परणीजन जदै जावंता उंट बळद रा गाडा म हनीमून मनाय ले आवंता, भैंस गोबर रा बाड़ा मैं। गणित बै कदी पडी कोन